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Newborn baby £50 (3-4 hours)
Baby smiles and tummy time £35
Baby sitter session £25
Family £25
Children £25

Babies 1st year package £100
Choose from 3 of the above baby photography sessions (eg, Newborn, sitter and babies 1st year) and also receive 10% off products from each session.

Please note that products/digitals are purchased on top of your session fee.
Your session fee covers our time together in the studio, use of all props and equipment and a viewing session back at the studio.

Your session fee is due at time of booking to secure your appointment.

You will be invited back to the studio to view your images around 2-3 weeks after your photography sesssion.  You do not need to decide before this time what products etc you would like to purchase.  There will be no hard sales just buy what you love.  On display at the studio I have a large range of stunning products to choose from that have been sourced from the best suppliers. I have a range of wall products such as framed images, art blocks and acrylics, all of which are designed to really show off your images in style.  Digital collections and prints are also available. All products are available in a range of different sizes and finishes to suit your taste and home decor.  When you come to the studio for your photography session you will have a chance to look closely at all the products.

Product prices:
Usb of all images from your session £375
Framed images from £165
Art blocks from £180
Acrylics from £310


Extras (available after any purchase of £250 or more)
Reprints in mount 10x8 £12
Reprints in mount 7x5 £8